The Revolution

Many Americans are fed up with Government as usual. Current news headlines have shown that visionaries within the Libertarian Party have been right all along. If we continue on our marked path failure of our country is inevitable.

Now, what can we do as Patriots to futher our message of Liberty within the next few years to insure greater successes in the 2010 and 2012 elections?

One Response to The Revolution

  1. Steve Geboy says:

    I think besides the “Recomended Reading” on this web site, we should also take advantage of the power of the internet, and do some individual research of the way our government is taking over. I will be happy to get you started with a few sites like for Research on Globalization and . Also look up information on the NAFTA Superhighway they are building between Canada thru the midwest to Mexico that our government dosn’t want to talk about that is going to lead us to open borders with or north and southern neighbors, and the changing of our monitary system to the Amero, (due to the combining of the U.S. Mex. and Can.) the equiveliant of the Euro implemented in Europe. Read and research sites like these with an open mind and think about and look at what is going on in this country. You will eventually wake-up smell the coffee and realize that “We the People” are on the way out. I just hope “We the People” wake-up befor it’s to late.
    Another thing that can be done is to stop looking at Dem. and Rep. (BIG GOV’T) and start looking at more of the Independent Party’s, especially the one’s promoting smaller gov’t., the “Constution” and our “Bill of Rights”.

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